Niillas A. Somby: Greetings from Lappland (ČSV)


Niillas A. Somby: Greetings from Lappland (ČSV), 2023

Musikha/music: Vajas, “Čudit / Chudi People,” 2006


Ledje čudiiguin ollu
Sáittit ákšut ja miehkkit

Go sii davás jovde
ja varain čálle historjjá

Sáiti bastii ja bastii
Ollu varra das golggai

Mánás olbmás ja nissonis
Heagga dan sivas golai

Čudit ellet ain otne
Sii leat eambos go ovdal

Sáitevearjju lea molson bábirlágain ja gielain

Njammet dál sii min čáziid
Ja rivvot mis min eatnan

Vuoigatvuođa jurdda ii
Doppe nu jora

Guhkin eret árbmu

Chudi People

The Chudi People had so many
Spears axes and swords

When they arrived to us in the North
They wrote the history with blood

The spears were piercing
Much blood was spilled here

The child, the man and the woman
Payed with their lives

The Chudi People are alive even today
More numerous than before

The have swapped the spearweapon

With paperlaws and language
They suck our waters

And rapetake our lands from us
The thought of justice does not seem to circulate there

And mercy far from that


Sean Snyder: ROOM 11 (Virtually Real)